Importance of Water
Water is a priceless gift of nature to us humans. We cannot lead our daily life without water. Water is essential for all humans, animals and plants to survive. Conserving and conserving water has become a necessity as the amount of fresh water on the earth is very less. Due to lack of rain, the quantity of drinking water is decreasing. So the government is not able to supply fresh water in sufficient quantity to all.
Water is essential for all living organisms on earth. From small insects to large blue whales, we all need water to survive. Water is very essential for us. We can survive without food for a week but without water we will not be able to survive for more than 3 days. No organism on earth would be able to survive without water. We drink 6 to 7 liters of pure water daily for good health.
Water is the main component of the human body (neonatal 75%, adult 60%, senior 50%). Water is vital for the survival of all living beings. Water is used for our food, to grow crops and vegetables. Water is used in dams to generate electricity for our homes, schools and other uses.
Water is required to produce electricity. Water is used in our daily activities like cooking, washing and sanitation. Water is the essence of life on earth. We cannot survive without water. If there is water, there is life. Water is very important in our daily life. Water is useful for us in our daily life in many ways.
Importance of Water
Water is an important part of our diet. Water helps to digest food. We all need water to survive one day. Water is the most important daily use for most people. Domestic use includes water that is used every day in the household. We need water for cooking, bathing and for keeping our house clean.
We also need water to stay clean. We need drinking water, we need water to wash our vehicles. We need water to wash fruits and vegetables. We need water to wash our clothes and our pets. Water is useful not only for living things, but also for non-living things.
We need water for planting trees and plants. We also need water for the plants around us. Apart from this, water is also required for agriculture. We need water for irrigation. The fields require water almost every day. It is essential for a good crop in the fields.
Water is also used in many industries (business, labor, ). It is needed at different stages of production of goods. Our industries and factories need various industrial water. Water plays a very important role in our religious ceremonies, such as weddings and 'havans'. Ships and boats sail in water.
About 71% of the Earth's area is covered by water. It is a renewable resource. There are three forms of water, liquid, solid and gas. Water is a compound of two gases hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen has two parts and water has one part of oxygen. Pure water has no particular shape, color or taste. It takes the shape of the vessel in which it is kept.
Water is a natural resource. About 70% of the Earth's surface is water and even 70% of the human body is made up of water. Although there is an abundance of water on Earth's surface, 97.5% of the water is saline and 2.5% is fresh water (potable). Only 3% of the world's water is in a form that we can consume. We use large amounts of water each day, as water serves many different purposes.
We all need water to live. Plants need water, animals need water. Water is one of our basic needs. Water is one of the most important substances that are essential for plants and animals. Without water, all the creatures in the world would die. Water is essential not only for drinking but also for our daily life purposes like bathing, cooking, cleaning and washing clothes etc.
All living beings like humans, animals and plants need water for survival. Apart from drinking for human also, water is used for cooking, bathing, washing clothes etc. The precious gift obtained from nature water is also used in agriculture and other industrial sector.
Water comes to us from various sources like oceans, rivers, underground water of lakes and rain water sources.Conserving and conserving water is the need of the day. Many villages are facing major problem of drinking water. Water is very important for everyone so we should save water. We all should realize this problem and try to save water.
We all should use water only in the required quantity and should avoid wastage of water. Steps like rain water harvesting will play a big role in saving water. Damaged pipelines should be repaired in time. When not in use, the tap should be closed properly. The use of drip irrigation system in agriculture will also help in saving water.
We humans need water day by day. We cannot imagine life without water. Water is vital to the existence of our world. We have to conserve water for good life and future. Given the scarcity of water and the high water needs, it is important that we need to do conservation programs to save water.
If there was no water there would be no life on earth. Life on earth would not exist without water. We all have to save water and only then we can save life on earth. We need to take initiative to save water, whether there is a shortage of water or not, because without water our earth will not exist, without water we humans will die. Save water and save life on earth.
We hope that, after reading this article, you must have come to know (importance of water) . Please use water properly and also ask people to save water. Never let water go to waste.
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